December 1, 2022 | 8:00 LA, 11:00 NYC, 16:00 LDN
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a powerful tool for human identification. In contrast to current analog methods used by forensic laboratories, NGS enables applications such as age-estimation, forensic investigative genetic genealogy, body fluid identification, and enhanced mixture deconvolution. Given that forensic samples can have DNA inputs as low as 8 pg, high levels of inhibition, degradation, and contamination with human and non-human DNA, it is extremely important to minimize human error and variance to maximize case success.
The Verogen PrepStation is a cost-effective automation solution designed for forensic use with out-of-the-box scripts that are compatible with all ForenSeq kits manufactured by Verogen. Coupled with validation support plans that are aligned with the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM), the Verogen PrepStation enables all forensic laboratories to easily adopt a robust, end-to-end NGS workflow without extensive budget investments.
This presentation will cover the configuration and layout of the Verogen PrepStation along with compatible library preparation kits. Studies showing comparable results from manual and automated workflows across key performance criteria such as contamination, reproducibility and repeatability between and within both platforms and operators, and sensitivity across a range of DNA inputs will be shared. Finally, functional studies demonstrating that the platform meets validation requirements for implementation in operational forensic laboratories will be presented.
Sign up for this 60-minute webinar, hosted by Opentrons, to learn about:
- Verogen PrepStation capabilities and important features
- Compatible ForenSeq workflows
- Validation plans and forensic application support
Who Should Attend:
- Anyone looking for a cost-effective automation solution for forensics
- Forensic Scientists
- Forensic Lab Technicians
- Lab Managers or Directors
- Automation Specialists or Engineers

Swathi A Kumar, PhD
Sr. Director, Product Strategy & Global Marketing Verogen