Generate investigative leads by providing phenotypic and biogeographical ancestry information with community-approved SNPs. Processing up to 96 samples simultaneously, ForenSeq Imagen is the only fully kitted solution that allows forensic laboratories to generate more comprehensive DNA profiles with a low-cost, validated solution. With less than 2 hours of hands-on time and the ability to automate on all major automation platforms, this simple plate-based assay is part of an integrated workflow that sequences libraries on the MiSeq FGx Sequencing System and analyzes data in Universal Analysis Software (UAS). Additionally, seamless report integration with 3rd party software such as HIrisPlex-S allows users to access enhanced lead generation insights.
Flexibility to optionally estimate biogeographic ancestry supports forensic laboratory compliance with regional requirements. The ForenSeq Imagen Kit is designed, developed, and produced as part of a high-performance solution, backed by extensive technical support and validated by the manufacturer. Quality-controlled manufacturing ensures reproducibility with the convenience of all-in-one library prep kits.
Key Features
Sample type | Extracted gDNA from a range of common forensic sample types, buccal swab lysate, FTA card |
Recommended input for gDNA | 32 pg. - 1 ng per sample |
Recommended input for FTA card punch | 1.2 mm per sample |
Recommended multiplexing capacity | 8–96 libraries per run |
Number of primer mixes | 2: DPME and DPMF (Geo) |
Primer mix content |
DPME: 22 hair SNPs, 6 eye color SNPs, 36 skin color SNPs and 14 Y-SNPs (total of 55 SNPs) DPMF (Geo): 22 hair SNPs, 6 eye color SNPs, 36 skin color SNPs, 56 BGA SNPs and 14 Y-SNPs (total of 111 SNPs) |
Short amplicon detection | High concentration of markers < 150 bp |
Total library prep time | 7 hours and 15 minutes |
Hands-on time | 1 hour and 30 minutes |
Total sequencing time | ~18 hours with the MiSeq FGx Reagent Micro Kit |