The ForenSeq Enhanced PCR1 Buffer System is a cost-effective solution that offers superior recovery of DNA from inhibited samples. Optimized to work with severely compromised samples such as degraded skeletal remains, this kit can be used with both the ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep and the ForenSeq MainstAY workflows to produce high-quality DNA profiles. A low cost per sample enables easy integration into both workflows further boosting operational efficiency without increases to overall turnaround time.
The ForenSeq Enhanced PCR1 Buffer System is part of an integrated workflow that sequences libraries on the MiSeq FGx Sequencing System and analyzes data in Universal Analysis Software (UAS). Designed, developed, and manufactured as a modular solution supporting an end-to-end workflow for challenging forensic samples, extensive technical support backs the entire portfolio. Quality-controlled reagent manufacturing ensures reproducibility with the convenience of all-in-one kitting.
Key Features
Sample type | extracted gDNA from a range of common forensic sample types |
DNA input recommendation | 1ng per sample |
Compatibility |
ForenSeq MainstAY Kit ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit |
Kit configuration | 96 reactions |
Multiplexing capacity for the ForenSeq MainstAY Kit | 96 libraries per run on a MiSeq FGx Reagent Micro Kit |
Multiplexing capacity for ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit (Primer Mix A) |
36/96 database and 12/32 casework libraries per run on a MiSeq FGx Micro/Standard Kit respectively |
Multiplexing capacity for ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit (Primer Mix B) |
12/32 libraries per run on a MiSeq FGx Micro/Standard Kit respectively |
Total library prep time |
ForenSeq MainstAY Kit: 7 hours and 15 minutes ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit: 7 hours and 15 minutes |
Hands-on time |
ForenSeq MainstAY Kit: 1 hour and 30 minutes ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit: 1 hour and 30 minutes |