Verogen, Inc. has been acquired by QIAGEN, the leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions for molecular testing. Learn More
May 30, 2022

European Academy of Forensic Science Conference 2022

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May 30, 2022 - June 3, 2022
Stockholm, Sweden

Verogen booth MV4

Suggested workshops:

  • Validation of forensic DNA analysis methods – includes references to NGS methods and presenter experiences of internal validation
  • Forensic pedigree analysis in R – valuable training on the types of pedigree analysis for which NGS is being used increasingly, especially for more distant relationships

Additional Resources


Verogen Virtual Workshop

Faire le premier pas vers la compréhension de la technologie NGS et de la manière dont elle peut être exploitée pour réaliser des applications d'identification humaine


Workshop Virtual con Verogen

Da el primer paso hacia la comprensión de la tecnología NGS y cómo aplicarla a casos de identificación humana


Verogen Virtual Workshop

Take the first step towards understanding NGS technology and how it can be leveraged to perform human identification applications


Neue NGS-Workflows für bessere Ergebnisse bei der Verwandtschaftsanalyse

Machen Sie sich mit der NGS-Technologie, und wie man diese auf vielfältige Weise zur Identifizierung von Personen nutzen kann, vertraut.

Booth Giveaway

Come to the Verogen booth and have a chat Come to the Verogen booth and find out how you can win a JBL Clip 4 Portable Bluetooth Speaker & Travel Case.